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How to add IfThenPay payment method?

This guide is designed to assist you in setting up and customizing IfThenPay for your online store. We'll provide comprehensive instructions on establishing payment methods, configuring payment notifications, and addressing any potential issues you may encounter.

IfThenPay Backoffice settings

To begin configuring your ParkFlow account, you must first establish your IfThenPay payment gateway account and activate the "Pay By Link" payment method.

1. Start by logging in to the IfThenPay back office portal. You can access it at

2. Navigate to the "Management" > "Contract" section within the back office portal.

3. In the "Filter" section located at the top of the page, select the desired account.

4. Proceed to the "Callback Activation" section on the same page. Here, input all the necessary details for callback notifications (**). Set the "Callback URL" to match the IfThenPay webhook notification URL specific to your shop. You can find and copy this information from the ParkFlow payform settings (see next chapter below). Copy also the "Antiphising Key".

Please verify the format, which should follow this structure:



ParkFlow Settings

The following section details how to enable and configure IfThenPay as a payment gateway for ParkFlow.

1. Go to "Settings >> Configuration >> Payforms" and Select IfThenPay

2. Initially, you need to acquire credentials for the payment gateway integration configuration, namely the Gateway Key. Upon finishing the registration process, IfThenPay will furnish you with a "Gateway Key." This key is exclusive to your account and is imperative for processing payments.

3. You can also generate your Antiphishing Key